Saturday, April 27, 2013

Report: Rudee Inlet 26APR13

I hit Rudee Inlet with a couple guys from TKAA. Headed out with Harbor_Patrol, Jason, Joe, Mike and one of the new guys.  We launched out of owls creek at 630 and started our paddle.
Rudee Inlet
Ocean Kayak Zone


New Guy Joining Us

 No fish as we were heading out but right before we got to the grass island and about sunset the Blues started busting the surface pretty good. Every 10 seconds you can see them crushing the surface. One of our guys was using a buck-tail and got the first fish of the day. I started to use a Gulp! Chartreuse Swim Mullet with no luck. Switched over to a Rat L Trap and still nothing. So I switched over to top water lure, a Rapala X-Rap Subwalk. Third cast out and I got me this nice 17 inch Blue. Sadly that was going to be the only fish of the day for me.

17 Inch Blue Fish

Caught on a Rapala X-Rap Subwalk

We continued on deeper in Rudee and night took on. Started to pass the houses and some of those nice yachts. Damn these people must be loaded because some of them were the size of the houses that they were docked at.

Rudee Inlet

Rudee Inlet Marina

We saw some green dock lights that Harbor_Patrol told us about before and started to fish that a bit. Kinda cool because the green light attracts plankton and in turn bait fish then the big uns come out to play. I wasn't able to get any puppy drum but Jason and Harbor_Patrol were able to pull out two pups just short of a keeper. 

Cool Dock Lights

For this trip I brought along my Penn Sargus 2000. Penn Battle 3000 and 4000 and had my Avet SX MC in the rod pod.

Penn Battle 3000

 I plan on being a bit better prepared seeing as it was fairly cold out and I wasn't dressed for the occasion. I still need to get in the swing of things and go pick me up some gloves and some neoprene waders for next season. I ended up heading in early since I was freezing. Saw this cool bird on the way in and got a picture before he got spooked 


Over all it was great to be back on the salt and fish with old friends. I cant wait to get back on the water and next time ill have more to show for it. 

Stay tuned for my upcoming reviews and reports. 


  1. Nice report, this is the first time I have seen your blog ( followed it from Pier and surf) Like the way you link back to the reels

  2. NICE REPORT ! ! ! ! !

  3. Thank You Guys. If you ever want to go out on a trip let me know and we can get a flotilla out there!
